Wealth management
Vector WM has offices in Switzerland in Lugano and Bellinzona and provides customized wealth management service to its clients.
Vector WM carefully selects financial instruments and investing options that are studied and developed to achieve growth of the overall family wealth.
Our services portray quality, expertise, know-how and innovation.
The investing approach is guided by medium to long term goals, focused on the needs and characteristics of each client in terms of their risk/ reward profile.
In determining the best asset allocation, we consider the existing fragmentation of overall wealth, with great attention to the existence of real estate investments, private equity investments and ownership of illiquid assets. We also take into account geographical exposure, family structure and possible succession matters.
Vector WM operates on a complete lack of conflicts of interest in terms of its relationship with banks and other financial institutions, in terms of choosing financial products and depositary banks and where any financial transaction is concerned.
We have solid relationships with the most prominent local depositary banks which allows us to provide our clients with great flexibility to meet any demands.
We strive to be the privileged interlocutor to listen to our private clients, to offer global support to accompany them in complex choices and to be privy to their vision for the future and their ambitions.
Our wealth management services offer solutions capable of satisfying the needs of individual and family long-term wealth planning, also through the support of a consolidated network of qualified professionals within the industry.

Goals shared with the client
The main goal of our activity is to ensure the inter-generational transfer of family wealth by contributing through our dedicated work to the growth and protection of the capital itself.
All of this entails a clear definition of the goals that each family seeks in terms of wealth management, accounting also for family equilibrium, different time horizons and for the necessity of avoiding the rise of inter-family conflicts.
Our contribution lies in supporting the family in defining these goals, possibly mediating among different points of view. Once those goals are set, we work with the uttermost dedication to reach them.
In light of changing family dynamics and the passing of time and in order to maintain a constant alignment between clients’ expectations and our daily work, we periodically revise the goals set.

Global approach to financial markets
Vector WM is an independent company that has complete autonomy on its operating activities. The main objective of Vector WM is the maximization of the interests of its own clients, through the choice of strategies and products that are deemed appropriate.
The potential investments are selected through a careful and deep research activity on the global markets, which spans on every single asset class.
Once the goals, the risk profile and the time horizon have been set with the client, we operate through a discretionary asset management mandate open to the global markets.
Vector WM puts to extensive use the skills and know-how of its portfolio management team, which is also supported by constant and punctual research and by the safety and control offered by the Swiss country framework.

Great attention to the creation of returns
The aim of Vector WM’s work is the protection and the long-term growth of each family’s overall wealth. This goal is accomplished through a strict risk management policy and through investing opportunities offered by global markets.
To accomplish positive returns also when market conditions are not favourable, we are able to offer our clients with diversification options such as the participation in private equity operations and real estate deals.
All of the above can be accomplished thanks to the extraordinary professionalism and expertise of our team consisting of qualified professionals that aim to satisfy every demand and need of our clients.